3 – 4

Handstands and cartwheels


Handstands and cartwheels

What to do with this activity?

Encourage your child to have a go at handstands and cartwheels. It's high energy activity. Try them out on a grass surface in your garden or in the park so that they have a soft landing. They should aim to make their body as straight as possible, and at right angles to the ground. Praise effort as well as success. It's good to set your child a goal and see them work towards it. 

If you like, have a look at this video of some teenage girl gymnasts teaching a 5 year old to do a handstand. It will give you an idea what support to provide. Here's a video on the stages of teaching younger kids to do cartwheels.

  • Why am I doing this?

    One of the ways children learn is through play. A child who is playing is refining learning skills that continue to develop during childhood and beyond. "Pretend play" is important for developing your child's language skills. Children make up their own games, but playing games with others helps their concentration and social skills. Play can also help to show what children know and understand.

  • How can I do more?

    Spending time playing with your child is a great way of helping them learn. Games like "Simon says" and "One, two, three red lights" are great fun. There are lots of activities you can do like playing card games or board games when you can have a quiet time together. Your child can learn the rules by watching a dry run first. Then you can play for real. An important thing to learn is that you don't always win. It can be good for young children to win, to give them confidence but learning to lose is important too. There will be many times in life when you don't win and learning to cope with that is a good life skill you can teach your child too. 

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