5 – 7




What to do with this activity?

Young children are often fascinated by dinosaurs.  They seem like mythical monsters but, even though they no longer exist, we know that they roamed the earth millions of years ago. We know about them because lots of dinosaur skeletons have been found in the form of fossils - traces of them left in rock. Dinosaurs are now "extinct" - that means there are no living dinosaurs today.  

Find out lots of facts about different types of dinosaurs here at kids-dinosaurs.  

The fossilised remains of a really big dinosaur called "Titanosaur" were found in 2014 Argentina. The dinosaur is over 120 feet long!  In January 2016 a cast of this newly discovered dinosaur went on display in New York's Museum of Natural History. Watch a video here about that discovery. 

  • Why am I doing this?

    The written word is everywhere and by pointing out words around you everyday, your child will realise the usefulness of reading and how it brings information and knowledge of the wider world into your lives.

    Reading together shows your child that you think reading is important. It helps your child to link the words on the page to how they are spoken and to begin to recognise words.

  • How can I do more?

    Encourage your child to read by giving them books or information about what they are interested in, for example, if they are interested in cars, give them books about cars – it’s a great motivator. Use comics, magazines and newspapers to provide lots of new words and facts. Your child can use the pictures for information about the words they are reading.

    Read longer books to your child. This will help with memory.

    You could do ‘paired reading’ – your child chooses a book or comic to read.
    -  At first, both of you read aloud together. When the child is ready, they carry on reading alone.
    -  If they don’t know a word, you say it for them and both of you continue to read together until they are ready to read alone again.
    -  No pressure is made to get them to read by themselves. They only do it when they are ready. This is useful with older children when they find text books difficult.

    Your child might like to practise their reading skills by reading to younger children.
    Discuss with your child’s teacher if they are having difficulty reading.

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