0 – 2

Hard and soft


Hard and soft

What to do with this activity?

From the very beginning, your baby will experience the world through their tiny fingers. They will discover and enjoy different textures. Talk to them about "hard" versus "soft" and "rough" versus "smooth". Say "this ball is too hard" or "isn't teddy very soft".  Notice how "rough" orange skin is, and how "smooth" apples are. Let them explore the world through their sense of touch and give them the words to describe the different textures they find. When your child is a bit older they might like to play a sorting game with hard and soft items in your home.

Using their fingers and hands to hold and move things is good practice for writing in the future. 


  • Why am I doing this?

    Learning to move, reach and grasp helps children develop the muscles and skills to scribble and learn to write when they get older. Body awareness and learning to do big movements (like crawling and walking) and small movements like the pincer movement (where you lift up things with your index finger and thumb) are important parts of your child's development. It is part of awakening and developing your brain. For your young child, reaching for objects helps build their coordination and will help them hold crayons later on.

  • How can I do more?

    Have fun with your child dancing to music. This helps their coordination. If your child is moving their arms or body at all they are dancing!

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