3 – 4

Cloud shapes


Cloud shapes

What to do with this activity?

Have you ever spotted a cloud that looks like something familiar? We think the one in the photo above looks like an elephant. 

Your child might enjoy spotting clouds and using their imagination to turn them into fantastical creatures in the sky. If you are on Twitter, follow @ADaily_Cloud (A Daily Cloud) here and show your child. 

Irish author, artist and illustrator Chris Judge draws faces on photos of clouds, and promises "a happy cloud character in your feed every day". Every cloud has a silver lining! 

  • Why am I doing this?

    Children’s ability to think and understand experiences develops by listening and speaking. As a child’s language becomes more complex so does their ability to understand more complex thoughts and ideas. The family is the child’s first source of language and learning and there are lots of everyday activities that occur in the home, which can help children’s language skills. Your child will get better at using words when they practice words and hear the sounds of words.

  • How can I do more?

    Just keep talking and listening. Normal routines provide lots of opportunities for conversation and for all the family to learn new things. If you are walking down a street, point out things you see and talk about them. Explain new words, show the colours or point out shapes. Ask your child what animals or buildings they like. There’s no end to what you can talk about together.

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