3 – 4

Make patterns


Make patterns

What to do with this activity?

Learning to write takes a long time and happens in stages.  

Making marks on paper, and then learning to control their movements to make patterns, develops your child's ease and control in using hands and fingers for future writing. 

Have a look at the attached page above right of this page (it says "Download the PDF for this Activity"). This shows the stages of writing that a child might go through before they can create alphabet letters. 

Find time to sit down with your child and have fun making marks and patterns.

  • Why am I doing this?

    There are at least four stages in learning to write. The first is movement - your child learning to control their body and their hands - reaching, feeling and holding things - is part of this first stage.


    The second stage is making marks - seeing that if you put this crayon here and move it, it makes a mark.


    Drawing is a third stage.


    The fourth then is learning how to make letters and later words.


    For your child, the more they are aware about how useful writing is, the better. Seeing you writing is great and you pointing out other people writing will help them see how useful it is too.

  • How can I do more?

    It’s always good to keep crayons and paper close at hand, so that you can give them to your child anytime to play with.


    Write words under your child’s drawing – like their name or what they have drawn – that will help them understand the meaning of words.


    Later you could clip 10 or 12 of these drawings together to make a book. This will show your child how books can be made.


    Let your child see you writing – notes, lists, letters and emails. If you don't write much yourself, show your child other people writing when you are out and about.


    Encourage your child to use ‘pretend’ writing in play - writing their own name, notices or price lists. You could even give them a little notebook when you go to the shops or when they’re playing ‘shop’ with their friends.

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