5 – 7

Playing with words


Playing with words

What to do with this activity?

Play games that make words fun.

For instance, you and your child could think of all the things you know that start with a particular letter. Write them down in a list. The person who has most items wins.

Play “Stop the bus”. Ask your child to go through the alphabet in their head. When you say “stop the bus” they tell you which letter they were on. Then you both have to think of a food, animal, place name, boy’s name and girl’s name that start with that letter. Write them down. The one with the most words wins. You can change the categories (food, animals..) to suit your child’s interests.

  • Why am I doing this?

    Learning to write should be fun. It’s important that children know that writing is a fun and useful. By fitting it into everyday activities, like drawing, writing notes and birthday cards children will get used to holding a pencil and learning to write properly.

  • How can I do more?

    Encourage your child to write and draw  - on outdoor walls with chalk or in the sand at the beach. Give them picture mazes or puzzles to fill out – join the dot puzzles are great for their hand eye coordination.

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